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Recognition of the College of Engineers of Venezuela. Zulia State Section. 2016. Maracaibo, Venezuela.
For your contributions to research and teaching at the national level towards architecture and engineering Of Zulia's State.
Recognition of the Polytechnic Institute Santiago Mariño. 2015. Maracaibo, Venezuela.
for your proactive and entrepreneurial attitude to educational vision directed toward the academic and professional excellence
Recognition of the Polytechnic Institute Santiago Mariño. 2014. Maracaibo, Venezuela.
for your outstanding work as a teacher of this house of study and your dedication commitment and passion.
Encouragement Award for Innovation and Academic Research. Level "B". 2011. Caracas, Venezuela.
Prize aims to stimulate research and innovation at national level among university professors. It consists of a diploma and a trimonthly cash bonus..
Recognition as Instructor.
Introduction to Susex Linux. 2007. Maracaibo, Venezuela.
​ 24 Hs.
Faculty of Agronomy. University of Zulia
Researcher Candidate level #7197. 2007.
Caracas, Venezuela.​
National recognition as a university researcher.
Ministry of higher education
Official evaluator. 2006. Santiago de Chile, Chile.
SIGRADI is the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics
Researcher Candidate level # 7197. 2005. Caracas, Venezuela.
National recognition as a university researcher.
Ministry of higher education
UNAM(Mexico), Faculty of Architecture. 2005. Mexico city, Mexico.
Recognition of UNAM. Speech in the Faculty of Architecture about Digital Technology and Architecture.
Recognition System of Distance Education of the University of Zulia. Academic Vice-rectory. 2004. Maracaibo, Venezuela.
For your unconditional support and contributions to the implementation process of the Distance Education System at our university.
Jesus Enrique Lossada Order. First Class. 2003. Maracaibo, Venezuela.
This award is the higher recognition of the University of Zulia in the academic and professional field to its personnel.
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Faculty of Architecture and Design University of Zulia,  on its 40 years of existence. 2003. Maracaibo, Venezuela.
In recognition of his outstanding performance on behalf of our faculty of architecture and design
Award for best article presented. 2002. Caracas, Venezuela.
Award for best article presented in the SIGRADI 2002 Congress.
SIGRADI is the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics.
Professor Meritorious Level II. 2001. Caracas, Venezuela.
CONABA. Ministry of Higher Education
National recognition as professor and academic researcher
Recognition as General Coordinator of CONVEACA 2001 (Second Venezuelan Conference on Computer Applications in Architecture). Maracaibo, Venezuela.
Biannual Conference.
Recognition of the National Coordinator of Students of Architecture (ENEA). 2000 Maracaibo, Venezuela.
For your outstanding contribution towards of the XVI ENEA Congress.
Recognition of the Electoral Commission of the University of Zulia. 2000 Maracaibo, Venezuela.
For your active participation in the development of the computer system of the website of the 2000 election process in a spirit of dedication beyond a professor.
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